Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sharing my experience about the AoL course-I

Although, the Art of Living course touches upon various facets of life such as body, mind, intellect, etc. I will talk about only of them in this short note about my experiences. It is breathing. A primary reason to select breathing for the note is, I personally was completely unaware of the importance of it. All of us know that breathing is most important activity for our life but a few of us know that right breathing can improve one's life. This may not be a surprise given the importance of breathing as I just mentioned. But I learnt it from my own experiences over the 5 days of the course.

Not only was I taught different different forms of breathing but also how to interweave those different forms into various Yoga Aasanas. The culmination point of the experience was Sudarshan Kriya, where one utilizes a combination of breathing, Aasanas, and sacred chanting to take a step closer to the inner Self. The only way to understand this experience is by doing it yourself. I am thankful that I had this opportunity.


Blogger Salil said...

Good to know about your experience. Breath is amazing, isn't it?

10:51 PM, May 04, 2006  

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