Let's commit some time to AOL activities on regular basis for mutual benefits
When I reviewed my last week’s calendar to see where all I spent my time, it showed all office work and nothing else. I realized that I need to spend some time in service and for benefit of others. What could be better than doing service through our Art of Living activities? We need to get involved in the work that Art of Living Foundation as whole does. Let’s show-up with our minds and brains and smiles. Few hours a week is enough. That means not even 5% of our time. Can’t we give that much for our progress and progress of our community? I have decided that I will plan my calendar ahead of time and allocate say 8 hours per week for promoting Art of Living and its activities. These are other than Satsang time. I will not deviate from my calendar but while planning it I will work with all coordinators so that there is some overlap for meetings and group activities. I have an idea. On Tuesday evenings or Satsang days we will call for or get dinner at Rardin. Once we are done with Satsang, we will have dinner and then work for one straight hour – may be it is meeting or paper work or on internet. Location can be Rardin or any coordinator’s room. This way people don’t have to come again on Wednesday night and more and more people will get chance to contribute. Also all that positive energy gained during Kriya will not go waste in hunting for some Mad Mex restaurant. Let me know your views.
Nice way to put it. I second your thoughts about taking some time out of our everyday life and think about the world outside. I thought this was a forum for sharing life positive messages and not planning sessions.. Anyways keep writing... keeps us occupied from our 'Seva' activities..
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